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Onn. 10.1" Kids Tablet, 32gb (2022 Model), 2.0 GHz Quad-Core Processor, Jade Ming

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A tablet just for them -- we've made this onn. 10.1-Inch Kids Tablet more kid-centric, with kid-friendly apps preloaded and a crystal-clear IPS display, plus up to 17 hours battery life. They can easily surf, work, socialize, play games or even stream content from the web. This tablet runs on the Android 12 operating system, and has a familiar smartphone-like feel, but with added kick for all of your surfing needs. Surf onn.We're onn. to something here. We took the hassle out of buying electronics and built a brand that's fresh and simple. With delightful pops of color, finding the right product has never been easier. Say goodbye to stressful decision-making and fear of the electronics aisle. Our mission is simple... to deliver great products and make it easy. Choose onn. and get back to using your brainpower for the important things in life.. like pondering the question, "What should I binge watch this weekend?"