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Tommy Bahama Men's Alenuihaha Sunglasses

Be daring in the Alenuihaha. This rectangular frame combines the reliable fit of a large wrap style with Maui Jim's® patented PolarizedPlus2® lens technology to provide long-lasting comfort, unmatched protection, and outstanding views. Whether out at sea or active on land, the Alenuihaha is sure to be a staple on your next a…
Be daring in the Alenuihaha. This rectangular frame combines the reliable fit of a large wrap style with Maui Jim's® patented PolarizedPlus2® lens technology to provide long-lasting comfort, unmatched protection, and outstanding views. Whether out at sea or active on land, the Alenuihaha is sure to be a staple on your next adventure. Shop the holiday gift guide.
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Tommy Bahama
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Be daring in the Alenuihaha. This rectangular frame combines the reliable fit of a large wrap style with Maui Jim's® patented PolarizedPlus2® lens technology to provide long-lasting comfort, unmatched protection, and outstanding views. Whether out at sea or active on land, the Alenuihaha is sure to be a staple on your next adventure. Shop the holiday gift guide.