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Baxton Studio 134-7254 Nadeen Modern Greyish Beige King Size Headboard

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Complete your bedroom interior with the Nadeen fabric upholstered headboard. Constructed of solid rubberwood and MDF, the Nadeen king size headboard is upholstered in durable greyish beige polyester fabric. Featuring curvaceous design with silver nail heads trim for a glamour look, the Nadeen offers a touch of modern sophistication. Mounting wood post is made from quality rubberwood for stability and strength. The wood posts, featuring 5-level adjustable to the headboard and 2-level adjustable to the bed frame provide more flexibility for you to configure the height of your bed. Traditional adjustable metal bed frame such as Leggett and Platt bed frame will work well with the headboard. Cushioned headboard provides softness and shape, allowing you to rest comfortably. The Nadeen requires assembly.