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Thule Tepui Autana Rooftop Tent with Annex

Welded aluminum tube with insulation and aluminum cap sheet Imported Can accommodate up to four people Includes an extended private canopy entrance with removable annex Constructed from coated 600 denier and a 260g poly-cotton blend made to withstand the elements of any season Tent fabric is UV resistant and withstands the element…
Welded aluminum tube with insulation and aluminum cap sheet Imported Can accommodate up to four people Includes an extended private canopy entrance with removable annex Constructed from coated 600 denier and a 260g poly-cotton blend made to withstand the elements of any season Tent fabric is UV resistant and withstands the elements of any season Mesh panels offer plenty of ventilation and open for more airflow Four, large internal pockets for storing gear and camping accessories Includes a high-density foam mattress for added comfort
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Welded aluminum tube with insulation and aluminum cap sheet Imported Can accommodate up to four people Includes an extended private canopy entrance with removable annex Constructed from coated 600 denier and a 260g poly-cotton blend made to withstand the elements of any season Tent fabric is UV resistant and withstands the elements of any season Mesh panels offer plenty of ventilation and open for more airflow Four, large internal pockets for storing gear and camping accessories Includes a high-density foam mattress for added comfort