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Best Buy

Podsumowanie przeglądu

Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
This UE Hyperboom is a great speaker with great sound quality and portability. It is perfect for a variety of uses, from concerts to weddings, and is easy to tote and hold a charge for days of use. Customers are very satisfied with the product, praising its sound quality, design, and ease of use.


  • Great sound quality
  • Portable and versatile
  • Rich bass
  • Easy connectivity
  • Great for various settings


  • Poor party up mode connection
  • Heavy to carry around
  • No mic or mixer connection
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The Ultimate Ears HYPERBOOM Portable Bluetooth Waterproof Party Speaker with Big Bass in Black is the perfect speaker for any party. With a supermassive sound and extreme bass, this speaker will take your music to new heights. The adaptive EQ reads the room and customizes the speakers sound until it's perfect for your space. It has four inputs so you can connect multiple devices at once, and its rechargeable battery lasts up to 24 hours!

Cechy produktu

Color CategoryBlack
Product NameHyperboom Portable Bluetooth Waterproof Party Speaker With Big Bass