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Sedum nevii 'Pink Form' | MountainCrestGardens

Mountain Crest Gardens


Sedum nevii 'Pink Form' - Sedum nevii 'Pink Form': Tiny green rosettes with pink edging and a cultivar of a rare native plant from the southeastern US. Flushes pink in cool weather. This resilient grower makes an excellent ground cover and produces tiny white blooms in early to mid summer. It tolerates more shade than most Sedum. Hardy Sedum are easy, frost-hardy plants that thrive outdoors with ample sun and great drainage. Plant in raised beds or containers with drainage holes and mix 50% coarse sand, pumice, or perlite into the soil to prevent rot. Regular water will help young plants establish roots and spread quickly, but mature Sedum can tolerate several months of drought. If you choose to propagate by hand, cut off the top 2.0"+ of stem and transplant it to re-root. Full Sedum (Stonecrop) Guide. Hardy Succulents, Ground Cover Succulents, Sedum (Stonecrop), Explore All, Rock Garden Succulents, Hardy Rock Garden Varieties, Pet Safe Succulents, Variegated & Multicolor Succulents, Outdoor Succulents, Frost Hardy Outdoor Succulents, Partial Sun Succulents, Marketplace Feed - Etsy, Heat Tolerant Succulents, Sedum Plants, Mountain Crest Gardens, Sedum nevii 'Pink Form'