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2pc Mingle Vegan Leather Sectional Sofa Loveseat White - Modway

The Mingle Vegan Leather 2-Piece Sectional Sofa is a perfect addition to your living room. With generous seating and dense foam padding, it allows for just the right amount of giving. It's modular sectional seating assortment makes it perfect for contemporary modern décors.
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The Mingle Vegan Leather 2-Piece Sectional Sofa is a perfect addition to your living room. With generous seating and dense foam padding, it allows for just the right amount of giving. It's modular sectional seating assortment makes it perfect for contemporary modern décors.

Cechy produktu

AssemblyNo Assembly Required
Seating Capacity2
MaterialWood (Frame)
Seat Dimensions25 Inches [D]
Includes1 Left Arm Sectional Piece, 1 Right Arm Sectional Piece
Item Number (Dpci)249-08-8639
Care &Amp; CleaningSpot Or Wipe Clean
Seat Style135 Pounds
Number Of Pieces2
Back Style100% Faux Leather