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USPS FOREVER STAMPS, Coil of 100 Postage Stamps, Stamp Design May Vary

Make sure you have postage you can count on, whenever you end up needing it. FOREVER stamps allow you to mail on your own schedule, making them great for the home and office alike. Always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1 oz rate. Self-adhesive for convenient use. $5.00 processing fee per coil will be added at checkout for deli…
Make sure you have postage you can count on, whenever you end up needing it. FOREVER stamps allow you to mail on your own schedule, making them great for the home and office alike. Always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1 oz rate. Self-adhesive for convenient use. $5.00 processing fee per coil will be added at checkout for delivery orders.
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Office Depot
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Make sure you have postage you can count on, whenever you end up needing it. FOREVER stamps allow you to mail on your own schedule, making them great for the home and office alike. Always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1 oz rate. Self-adhesive for convenient use. $5.00 processing fee per coil will be added at checkout for delivery orders.