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  • Ample storage space
  • Elegant design
  • LED lighting for easy access
  • Ice maker included
  • Sturdy construction

CWE19SP2NS1 Cafe 33" Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator with Internal Water Dispenser - Stainless Steel with Brushed Stainless Steel Handles

Opinia użytkowników:
This GE Cafe refrigerator has a sleek and elegant design with an affordable price. It has plenty of space and is perfect for small kitchens. However, some customers have experienced a loud noise that can be heard from several rooms away.
Ikona Porównaj produkty
The CWE19SP2NS1 Cafe 33" Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator is a perfect fit for your unique space. It has an internal water dispenser, LED lighting and two humidity-controlled drawers to keep your food fresh.
Zobacz więcej poniżej
US Appliance

Podsumowanie przeglądu

Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
This GE Cafe refrigerator has a sleek and elegant design with an affordable price. It has plenty of space and is perfect for small kitchens. However, some customers have experienced a loud noise that can be heard from several rooms away.


  • Ample storage space
  • Elegant design
  • LED lighting for easy access
  • Ice maker included
  • Sturdy construction


  • Condensation issues
  • Loud noise
  • Limited freezer space
  • Small size
Przeczytaj oryginalne recenzje


The CWE19SP2NS1 Cafe 33" Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator is a perfect fit for your unique space. It has an internal water dispenser, LED lighting and two humidity-controlled drawers to keep your food fresh.

Cechy produktu

ColorStainless Steel
MaterialStainless Steel