A town in Massachusetts has sent a cease-and-desist ... Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green said the town first became aware ...
A Massachusetts town is cracking down on a resident’s projection of a Donald Trump political sign onto the town’s water tower, warning a cease-and-desist letter is in the works and a $100-a-da ...
“A rally in Hanson, Massachusetts in response ... as donations here collected to help pay his fines.. On Oct. 12, town officials said the resident, who at night has been projecting a “Trump ...
Massachusetts, say its battle with a resident is starting to get expensive. A man has been projecting a Donald Trump campaign logo on the town-owned water tower and despite daily fines ...
HANSON - A resident of Hanson, Massachusetts has been projecting a Donald Trump campaign logo on a town-owned water tower for more than a week now. He's been facing daily fines, so dozens of Trump ...
A town in Massachusetts has sent a cease-and-desist ... Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green said the town first became aware that a resident was projecting the image of a political sign ...