Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) blasted House Republicans and many of her Democratic colleagues on Tuesday who voted for aid to ...
Even doctors and experts admit that babies have heartbeats at six weeks gestation — unless abortion bans are being debated.
What follows throughout the rest of the film is not a story about polyamory. It’s a story about drive, perfectionism, and what happens when excellent cinematography is paired with a disharmonious ...
In Coleman Hughes’s new book, The End of Race Politics, the heterodox intellectual delivers an incisive look into American racialist obsessions.
The Biden administration's top drug enforcement official dodged questions from Democrats and Republicans about the government's plan to reschedule marijuana.
New York state Sen. Kevin Parker called the Adult Survivors Act unconstitutional after being accused of rape last November.
President Joe Biden is letting migrants board planes without valid identification. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has an amendment to the FAA Reauthorization Act to make him stop.
Protester privilege is the latest left-wing fad dominating American culture. Apparently, people can commit criminal acts, break laws, invade and occupy buildings, and any other number of illegal ...
The poll found 62% of black voters said they were “absolutely certain to vote,” which is down from 74% who said so in 2020.
The organization said the move is meant to make the Boy Scouts more “inclusive” and follows a bankruptcy settlement for $2.4 billion.