Every president since the Museum opened in 1993 has delivered the keynote address at this annual commemoration. The event ...
The shocking eruption of antisemitism on many American college and university campuses is unacceptable and university and all ...
American liberators documented Nazi atrocities to raise public awareness about the Holocaust.
Renata Berkyová is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Economic and Social History at Charles University in Prague. Her research engages with the wartime and postwar history of Roma and Sinti living ...
Ruth Cohen was born Renee Friedman on April 26, 1930 to Herman and Bertha Friedman in Mukačevo, Czechoslovakia. Herman and his brother were wholesale wine and beer manufacturers. Ruth, her older ...
Dr. Ruth Mandel, a professor and former vice dean international at University College London, holds a PhD from the University of Chicago’s Department of Anthropology. Her early research focused on ...
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Lisa Kraft was born Elisabeta Ernestina Renata Rosenthal on April 24, 1938 in Trieste, Italy. Her father, Nandor Rosenthal, worked at a Hungarian-Jewish owned asbestos company. The company closed due ...
As we approach the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, we recognize Rwandans across generations who have sacrificed and worked tirelessly for reconciliation and peace. In this blog we ...
El antisemitismo es el punto de partida para tratar de comprender la tragedia que sobrevendría a incontables personas durante el Holocausto.