Tonight we take another glimpse at the Super Bowl baller confronting legal turmoil after his alleged street racing crash. Check-it . . . "According to court records Rice agreed that he would not ...
Data breach against local systems looks more serious than most suspect. Here's the latest about ongoing damage . . . "A statement from a city spokeswoman said out of an abundance of caution, the city ...
More aftermath from a celeb trash talk session . . . Here's what might be the highlight for locals with a sense of humor . . . First, he said the crowd noise at Arrowhead Stadium this year got a boost ...
A practical thunder boomer update for local fans who love the sweet lies of an early season win streak now turned into the traditional Summer fade . . . The Royals announced that the previously ...
Before we even get started . . . EVERY ELECTED OFFICIAL IN KANSAS CITY, MO GETS ALLOTTED CHIEFS & ROYALS TICKETS!!! That's an unfair but fun-fact that everyone older than 30 in Kansas City already ...
To start, lawyer, biz lady, celeb and hottie Kim start our peek at pop culture, community news and top headlines. Check TKC news gathering . . . Ivan McClellan's new photobook, "Eight Seconds," ...
This weekend denizens of the urban core heard KCPD fight constantly against illicit road warriors burning rubber throughout downtown & nearby neighborhoods. For now, here's a look at a solution, hope ...
We blogged this story over the weekend and there was push back about the quality of the establishment. However, here's a fact check . . . THIS CHICKEN SHACK THRIVES IN JOCO BUT CONSTANT CRIME IN ...
Juxtaposition to start the week . . . Don't agree with sketchy policy and DEI Über alles??!? Then you're not just a racist . . . But also one of the most unlikable dudes in American pop culture . . .
Weed users alone should put this town in the midst of the blazing spike in drug use . . . Here's more data on the topic . . . "With National Prevention Week nearly here and trillions spent on the war ...
Over the past few months a few readers have asked about this . . . Why is the handwashing area at Union Station coed?!?! It kinda makes sense so parents could keep track of youngsters without sending ...
Fact is . . . Most of the news we share about education issues NEVER finds much traction on this blog. Long, long ago . . . There was a vibrant "school board beat" amongst local newsies but the public ...