Despite a wealth of available treatments to control the symptoms of chronic asthma, the lung disease has no cure. The discovery of an unexpected cause of asthma could change that. A glitch in the ...
Maya Ajmera, President & CEO of Society for Science and Executive Publisher of Science News, chatted with Erika Ebbel Angle, CEO and cofounder of Ixcela, a biotech company improving health outcomes ...
Decreased protection from cosmic radiation may have increased oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans, allowing animals to grow larger.
The new low-tech transportation method could help scientists in Africa assess if malaria-carrying mosquitoes are resistant to a common insecticide.
Mars Sample Return and missions to study other planets and celestial bodies, including lunar efforts, face big cuts and delays.
A volcanic eruption at Yellowstone is unlikely anytime soon, but evidence is growing that a violent hydrothermal, or steam, explosion is possible.
When dice snakes fake their death to avoid predators, those that use a combination of blood, poop and musk spend less time pretending to be dead.
The discovery of sympathetic nervous system cells in lampreys draws a closer tie between the animal and complex vertebrates — such as humans.
Experiments in mini greenhouses show how the tiny organisms lurking underground in a "sleepy biome" could be a contributor to climate change.
Little is known of how teens learn about emotions online and then use that knowledge to cope with social uncertainty during in-person encounters.
Growing out patches of grass can lure adult butterflies and moths with nectar and offer lawn mower–free havens for toddler caterpillars.
A survey of college students reported many are comfortable calling emergency services for an overdose, but fewer know how to intervene with naloxone.