Ultrathin goldene sheets could reduce the amount of gold needed for electronics and certain chemical reactions.
DALLAS — Scientists are starting to figure out what causes tiny eruptions on the sun called campfire flares. Campfires were discovered in 2020, when the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter probe ...
Land managers in the western United States are using potential operational delineations, or PODS, to prepare for — and take advantage of — wildfires.
Ocean warming enhances hurricane activity, bleaches coral reefs and melts Antarctic sea ice. That warming has been off the charts for the past year.
By training beekeepers, biologist Ximena Velez-Liendo is helping rural agricultural communities of southern Bolivia coexist with Andean bears.
Giant hail that pummeled northeast Spain in August 2022 could not have formed without climate change, computer simulations suggest.
In her new book, Arielle Johnson, former resident scientist at the restaurant Noma, explains how to think like a scientist in the kitchen.
Though not completely vegetarian, the Iberomaurusian hunter-gatherers from North Africa relied heavily on plants such as acorns, pistachios and oats.
Should people be worried? Pasteurization and the H5N1 virus’s route to infection suggests risks to people remains low.
Over time, bone marrow stem cells develop key genetic errors and pass them on to immune cells. This may increase the risk of developing heart disease.
The newly discovered type of magnetic material could improve existing tech, including making better and faster hard drives.
Deaf experimental psychologist Rain Bosworth has found that babies are primed to learn sign language just like spoken language.