Here’s how to make Chicken and Green Onion Yakitori, Chicken Satay wth Peanut Sauce, Grilled Asian Eggplants and Beef Skewers ...
Miami Marlins centerfielder Jazz Chisholm Jr. steals second base as Oakland A's second baseman Abraham Toro waits for the ...
As long-time elected representatives for the northernmost and southernmost reaches of County, we believe the community conversation over the Rail Trail should be thoughtful, ...
The Sentinel has reported on the latest Presidential Disaster Declaration encompassing Santa Cruz County following our winter storms’ damage estimated at $7.4 million. FEMA concurred with about ...
A local writer in his 4/27/24 letter falsely claimed that the United Nations created Israel. Not true. The U.N. voted for a Partition of British Mandatory Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab ...
Why not have a public campaign to help raise money to rebuild the iconic Capitola Trestle beloved by residents and visitors alike? School children’s pennies and a Pulitzer campaign helped build ...
Thank you to the letter author for writing about the false narrative of the demonstrators who say they are pro-Palestinian and want a cease-fire. In effect that is pro-Hamas. Hamas who surprise ...
Who really gets the military aid? Well, the $95 billion aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is now law. Ukraine “gets” $60.8 billion of this largess. But looking at the details, where the Devil ...
The Balfour Declaration in 1917 (British) establishing a “national home” for the Jewish people, is seen as the precursor to the 1948 Palestinian Nakbe (ethnic cleansing of Palestine) when Zionist ...
George Will, May 2, Commentary on nuclear war – has had the gumption to mention the unthinkable — nuclear holocaust, so much more probable now than ever before, so ...
The Santa Cruz-based electric skateboard producer Future Motion, maker of Onewheel, is celebrating its 10th anniversary in ...
When the Odd Fellows Building was opened in 1874, it was the tallest building in town, topped with a Town Clock purchased by ...