The Soviet Union began regular broadcasting from the television center in 1934 and, by that time, the first serial TV sets ...
More than 20 cultural and several more natural sites have been inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1990.
Now, about 10-15 leopards live in the Caucasus: in the Sochi National Park, in North Ossetia and in Kabardino-Balkaria.
As the opening credits to Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Inglorious Basterds’ appear, a melancholic melody begins to play. Fans of ...
The old expression “Типун тебе на язык” ("Tipun tebe na yazyk" or literally "I wish you had a pimple on your tongue!") can be ...
The ‘Russian San Francisco’, the world's largest city on permafrost and a city from whose waterfront it is possible to see ...
Legendary French architect Le Corbusier realized only one project in the Soviet Union - the ‘Centrosoyuz’ building in Moscow.
It is considered one of the most famous Russian novels and is a delicate view on the nature of a typical Russian man. The ...
On May 30, 2004, the 72-ton bell rang for the first time. Now, it is the largest working bell in Russia. Its "tongue" alone ...
There are many temples in Samara: the Pokrovsky Cathedral, which looks like a fairy-tale ‘terem’ (country house), the old ...
Without retelling the myths and legends about ‘Grandpa Lenin’, let's turn to some confirmed facts in his biography.