You could just feel the Columbia administration hoping that the student protesters would be reasonable, that avoiding further arrests, engaging in extensive negotiations, meeting them a bit of the way ...
Lawmakers argue that EcoHealth Alliance should also be cut off from future federal funding given its ties to the Wuhan lab.
The CCP’s support for the ayatollahs demonstrates just how interlinked the threats to American national security are.
The rule, set to take effect this month, will require private gun sellers to obtain federal firearms licenses and conduct background checks.
The cure for bad speech on campus isn’t more speech — more speech is just the mob. The cure for bad speech on campus is wisdom.
T he Supreme Court has let us down. The highest court in the land is now a tawdry instrument of Trumpism. Such is the progressive line in the wake of last week’s oral arguments over Trump’s immunity ...
Democrats wanted to spike the football last year, celebrating “Bidenomics” when growth numbers were looking good. Now they have all but banished the term, while free-market advocacy group Americans ...
National Review ’s Luther Ray Abel raised the alarm about South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, most recently in the news for asking Americans to stare uncomfortably deeply into her gaping maw. (She may ...
God bless the cops, chancellor, and young students who raised and cheered the restoring of the only flag that should fly there.
If there is one good thing that can be said about Japan’s current economic mess, it is that it offers a cautionary tale for us.
At Least 300 Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Columbia, City College, Mayor Says Fired Google Employees File Complaint against Tech Giant over Anti-Israel Office Sit-Ins ‘This Is Like Basic ...
Khamenei Seems Nervous as Israel and Saudi Arabia Get Closer to a Deal Daniel Radcliffe vs. J. K. Rowling Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests? A Failure of Admissions ...