Here’s some news I never thought I’d type on this random Friday in 2024: Llama with Hats is coming back! Now, if you grew up ...
Over the years, Steam has gone from being a simple yet hated way to update Valve’s own games to one of the beloved and ...
Last year was a good year; not only did more people in the game industry still have jobs, but good guy Blizzard decided to ...
The YouTube rabbit hole is deeper than the galaxy is large. With so many turns, drop-offs, and dark passageways, you never ...
The next target for the never-ending Nintendo takedown notices, or Nintakedowns, is the 20-odd-year-old Garry’s Mod.
If you enjoy games that not only don’t hold your hand but also slap it away if you so much as ask for the smallest of hints, ...
Cody calls it a moment of weakness in his immune system. Arielle says Cody is just dumb, and he should stop trusting his nose ...
If you just hate post-apocalyptic anything so much that you immediately punch people in the face when they mention the new ...
Does anybody here remember the once-doomed Fallout 76? It was that game we got when all we really wanted was to play Fallout ...
I don’t need to remind anyone how offensively bad the Max Payne movie adaptation was. In fact, it was so bad that I can’t ...
Over the years, there has been no shortage of Lord of the Rings games for us die-hards to enjoy, and if there is one thing ...
Zenless Zone Zero is the high-action, big-combo, big-explosion urban RPG from Hoyoverse, which just finished holding its PS5 ...