Woman dies during sterilization surgery by a compounder at a private clinic, sparking outrage and demands for justice ...
Imagine transforming your sauna experience into a precision tool for health optimization. High Tech Health International, Inc., a pioneer in infrared sauna technology, introduces ...
Explore the impactful journey of Ana Estrada, Peru's first advocate for euthanasia rights, and the broader implications of ...
UCSF researchers discover blood autoantibodies predicting MS before symptoms, enabling early intervention for better outcomes ...
Younger patients with Afib faced higher hospitalization rates for heart failure, stroke, or heart attack, along with elevated ...
Greater positive engagement with nature is associated with decreased levels of three inflammation markers in the bloodstream.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in minor developmental milestone delays in infants and young children, affecting only a ...
Body & Brain is on a mission to spread the word about World Tai Chi and Qigong Day. World Tai Chi and Qigong Day has been celebrated on the last Saturday of April since ...
Discover which countries offer the most affordable and accessible gender reassignment surgeries, critical for individuals ...
Psychologists advise parents and schools to counteract risky online behaviors by providing youth with needed affection and ...
Predicting the next pandemic: VACCELERATE ranking of the World Health Organization's Blueprint for Action to Prevent ...
Formerly regarded as benign, fatty liver serves as a significant warning sign for underlying health threats like diabetes, ...