A school district in Missouri is offering to pay some families to drive their kids to school as part of an effort to offset a shortage of bus drivers.
Some students at a high school in Virginia are disappointed that they won’t get to attend prom because the event sold out.
Wills Point native Jeff Sprague has advanced to the Knockout Round of the Bass Pro Tour Millertech Stage Four in Oklahoma.
TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - This pretty and simple-to-make dessert is delicious, light and fluffy, as far as sweets go. It’s a ...
Walgreens is reportedly limiting sales of its gummy candy as it struggles to keep it in stock following a viral social media video.
A bill holding social media companies accountable and tackling online sexual exploitation of children needs only the president’s signature to become law.
“She was like a bright force,” her mother Kristen Sims said, “She lived life on her own terms, and we loved her for that. To ...
Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill dropped by the White House on Friday for a visit with President Joe Biden and walked away with a pair of the president’s aviator sunglasses and a greater respect for the ...
The Andrews Center is working to reverse the trend through their new and upcoming Mental Health Summit, happening next week.
An arrest report following a deadly crash includes a statement from a witness reporting that the suspect was driving nearly 100 mph.
KLTV’s JD Conte spoke with PATH Executive Director Andrea Wilson-Lobaugh on what this new “backyard” means for community members.
KTRE’s Tyre White reports from the Deer Run Road subdivision in Trinity County where a mandatory evacuation order has been ...