Making sure the ITER tokamak will be safe in the event of an earthquake means components such as flanges, pumps, and valves for the vacuum system must meet exacting design standards and undergo ...
It's FAB season at ITER. Like every year since 2008, the Financial Audit Board (FAB) will proceed with a meticulous audit of the project's finances, sifting through thousands of documents, crunching ...
In October 2014, close to ten years ago, five giant cranes were installed on and around the Tokamak Complex basemat slab. As work progressed to erect the Complex and further lift capacity was required ...
Contrary to the vast majority of ITER machine components, the modules that form the central solenoid cannot be lifted by way of hooks and attachments. The 110-tonne cylindrical components provide no ...
There is something deliberately paradoxical in the architectural treatment of the ITER buildings. On the one hand, the alternation between the mirror-like stainless steel and grey-lacquered metal ...
The ASDEX Upgrade tokamak in Germany has been helping to establish the scientific basis for the optimization of the tokamak approach to fusion energy since 1991. Last month, as the ASDEX Upgrade team ...
"Is ITER the 'star of science' whose creation has been made possible by humankind's sophisticated mastery of the laws of nature and the powers of technology? Or is it only the result of a scientific ...
The world of fusion research is changing fast, and world leaders are taking notice. The large public projects that occupied centre stage for the past decades are now sharing it with an ever-growing ...
The Divertor Test Tokamak in Italy is creating a new model for engagement with industry in fusion research. ITER helped to pave the way. Why, then, does DTT President Francesco Romanelli say that the ...
Electricity requirements for the ITER plant and facilities will range from 110 MW to up to 620 MW for peak periods of 30 seconds during plasma operation. Power will be provided through the 400 kV ...
La discipline scientifique qui est au cœur de la fusion est la physique des plasmas. Lorsqu'un gaz est soumis à des températures extrêmes, les électrons sont séparés des noyaux et le gaz se transforme ...
En régime stationnaire, la consommation électrique de la machine ITER et des installations sera de 110 MW. Au cours des « tirs de plasma », cette consommation atteindra 620 MW sur des périodes de ...