LIBREVILLE, April 25 (Infosplusgabon) - According to a press release from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Mr Antonio Pedro, Deputy Executive Secretary of the UN Economic ...
Belete Molla, Minister of Technology and Innovation, Ethiopia, said fostering innovation in key sectors like agriculture, clean energy, and healthcare, can create jobs, improve livelihoods, and lift ...
BRAZZAVILLE, April 24 (Infosplusgabon) - An estimated 51.2 million lives have been saved through vaccines in the African region over the past 50 years. For every infant life saved over that period, ...
Different governments in Ghana over the years have announced trade bans on rosewood, lifted and re-introduced them several times. Even when a total ban is in place, Ghana’s timber and forestry ...
LIBREVILLE, 3 mai (Infosplusgabon) - La traditionnelle fête du travail, mondialement célébrée le 1er mai a reçu un échos favorable au sein de la Société d'exploitation du Transgabonais (SETRAG) où 44 ...
LIBREVILLE, 28 avril (Infosplusgabon) - La Société d'exploitation du Transgabonais (SETRAG) a annoncé samedi à travers un communiqué de presse que la circulation des trains a repris sur l'ensemble de ...
LIBREVILLE, 28 avril (Infosplusgabon) - La Société d'exploitation du Transgabonais (SETRAG) a annoncé samedi à travers un communiqué de presse que la circulation des trains a repris sur l'ensemble de ...