There is an urgent need for the research and clinical communities to understand medication-managed opioid use disorder (OUD) ...
A new study, released ahead of print by Health Affairs, reviewed traditional Medicare data for 2019–22, and estimated how ...
To build public trust in the Medicare drug price-setting process, CMS must implement a more defined and transparent approach ...
The Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education program equips doctors to go where they are most needed. Yet, this ...
Health Affairs' Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interviews Jessica Harrison of the University of California, San Francisco on her ...
States, with their broad oversight authority over hospitals and insurers, are beginning to impose their own price ...
Certain features of the drugs selected for first-year negotiation could limit CMS’s pricing flexibility. To enhance program ...
Health system leaders need a set of criteria they can use to ensure the platforms they adopt align with their efforts to ...
Future HPV vaccination guidelines should consider global contexts, available evidence, therapeutic efficacy, and public ...
Building on new research surveying current curricular practices in schools and programs of public health (SPPH), we offer ...
For Food Is Medicine to gain credibility with national standards of care for patients expressing certain conditions, more ...
Leveraging AI tools to offset ongoing resource shortfalls will require ongoing engagement by public health, improved data ...