Sipping beer, an official of the city government in Harbin in northeast China was asked if and when his country would reclaim its lost territories in the Russian Far East the Tsar seized 160 years ...
The subject of censorship is one that is both thorny and intricate. It is thorny, in the sense that few ever explicitly discuss it in places where it is most prevalent; it is intricate, in that ...
I was invited to speak at the China Conference hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School this year, on a panel featuring young thought leaders, professionals, and researchers in the US-China space.
The China Association for Geospatial Industry and Sciences (“the CAGIS”) released the Top Ten Highlights of China's Geographic Information Industry in 2023, which provides much inspiration.
Dr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and anthropologist, said, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." As we reflect on the year ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met Chinese President Xi Jinping but failed to convince him that his country’s industrial over-capacity was threatening the global economy nor reduce his strong ...
亞洲攝影師代表:森山大道與張照堂 在法國國家圖書館的攝影藏品中,不乏奈良原一高、內田京子及森山大道等日本攝影師名字,今年86歲的森山 ...
單看餐廳的名字「Feuille」(法語葉子的意思),大概可估計到蔬菜和植物佔了餐廳菜式重要的一席位。餐廳創辦人兼大廚David Toutain選用時令食材 ...
初喜歡時裝的人都要花九牛二虎之力來打扮,只為博盡眼球,但像世間一切學問功夫,達到化境時都是舉重若輕——由Kim Jones設計Dior Men 2024秋季系列 ...
在品酒會上,Anne Moreau與一眾釀酒師親述了布爾岡產區的土壤、山坡、微氣候及葡萄品種的互動,成就當地獨一無二的酒釀風格。布爾岡擁有共84個 ...
Everything Under The Sun是你尋找戶外一切所需的首選目的地,他們的陳列室位於新海怡廣場。展示了一系列獨家的名師設計戶外傢俬及其他高端配襯傢俱。
2015年,伊藤詩織被上司迷姦後,露面公開事件,事件引 爆非但無法成功把疑犯送入監牢,還被不少民眾責罵。朋 友告訴她,你不可能在日本工作了。