Law enforcement agencies should not use biometric technology to categorize, profile or remotely identify individuals during ...
As the bill moves through the legislative machine, it is triggering concern from some states that their hard-won privacy laws ...
Sentrillion is a provider for other DHS agencies like the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center and ...
By leveraging DigiCert, Deutsche Telekom will be able to address requirements for public key infrastructure (PKI) and IAM.
The RFI wants to leverage existing capabilities of eMRTDS, including the biometrics and authentication practices, and learn ...
An unprecedented gathering of stakeholders gathered in the UK last week to discuss the standards and technologies behind age ...
This report highlights decentralized face authentication through an approach that uses multiple nodes to distribute biometric ...
As Europe mulls how to restrict access to certain content for minors, Meta offers its own solution as U.S. states grapple ...
Several biometrics and digital identity companies have announced new leadership including ROC, Identiv, BioCatch and JNCTN.
Traditional display screens like those built into smartphones require extra sensors for touch control, ambient light, and ...
Those pining for a life as an eccentric shut-in with robots guarding their house can rejoice at the emergence of a new ...
Get used to the idea of your phone as your driver’s license. The ecosystem for mobile driver’s licenses (mDL) continues to ...