The Green Bike Program from Bates EcoReps has returned for the season! A bike lock key can be checked out at the Circulation ...
Emily Scarrow ’25 knew she wanted to go into medicine since high school, but six weeks into her first year at Bates, she was ...
In 1954, American composer William Grant Still traveled to Bates to accept an honorary Doctor of Letters degree for creating music that placed him “among the leaders in interracial influence.” Seventy ...
For vict’rys at our door, Today the Garnet Bobcat conquers again, Hathorn rings out adding on another win. While down the field the Garnet is marching, Still, who received an honorary degree from ...
The Library at Bates College asks patrons to return their overdue books and videos and make a donation to local food pantry via the Food for Fines program. Library fines will be waived in exchange for ...
Still, who received an honorary degree from Bates 70 years ago and whose music will be performed May 4 during the installation of Bates President Jenkins, was known as the dean of African American ...
Still, who received an honorary degree from Bates 70 years ago and whose music will be performed May 4 during the installation of Bates President Jenkins, was known as the dean of African American ...
From Texas to Maine, we checked in with alumni in the path of eclipse totality to hear their preparations and plans. Some know exactly where they'll be on Monday. Some still don't. For Anthony ...
Even before the musical Hamilton, the Burr-Hamilton duel had most people figuring that pistol duels were deadly and irrational. But for the most part, they were neither, according to new research by ...
Charge of the Committee: This committee shall serve as an advisory and coordinating body to those students interested in medical careers, and is responsible for the preparation of evaluations and ...
Still, who received an honorary degree from Bates 70 years ago and whose music will be performed May 4 during the installation of Bates President Jenkins, was known as the dean of African American ...