City leaders and librarians have been at odds for months over what books should be allowed at the public library and whether or not their role should be outsourced to a private company.
Council members are concerned that a $3 million contract could be a “blank check” to six construction companies.
Cities across OC and local groups are planning how to celebrate Juneteenth -- the day the last enslaved people in the U.S. were freed.
Switching to district elections, officials grappled with how to split the city up into voting districts without breaking up communities.
While the OC Fair Board was able to cut down the spiking rental rates for horse stalls slightly, many equestrians maintain ...
The city will pay out millions to the mom of a man killed by police after a civil jury found they bore some of the blame for ...
Brea officials are looking to revamp the city’s historic tracks and expand it west to connect it to other cities.
There is a growing consensus among nuclear safety experts and activists that San Onofre’s aging nuclear waste storage ...
While OC Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares announced plans to return a few weeks ago, he now plans to retire ...
Costa Mesa joins a host of Orange County cities requiring developers to build affordable homes in their residential projects ...
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County residents got a rare peek behind the curtain at how county supervisors decide where to send millions of tax dollars, this time for a parking contract at John Wayne Airport.