Substance use is on the rise among teenagers in Europe, Central Asia and Canada and girls now match or even exceed boys when ...
Two UN agencies alongside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the global vaccine alliance Gavi launched on Wednesday a ...
The international community has a duty and responsibility to work towards early recovery in Gaza, but “we cannot ask citizens ...
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is offering medical care, food, shelter and psychosocial support to 33 ...
A new mechanism for getting lifesaving aid into Gaza will start in the coming days, UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction ...
Russia used its veto to quash a draft resolution aimed at keeping weapons out of outer space.
The UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, launched a $1.2 billion appeal on Wednesday to address the ...
أجبرت الحرب في غزة أكثر من 1.7 مليون فلسطيني على الفرار من منازلهم في الشمال بحثا عن ملجأ آمن في الجنوب، كما حدثت موجات نزوح ...
L’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour la région des Grands Lacs a dressé mercredi devant le Conseil de sécurité un ...
4月22日,这艘载有至少77名移民的船只从也门沿海的拉斯阿拉出发,随后在吉布提沿海城镇奥博克附近倾覆。 船上的其他33名移民在事故中侥幸逃生,目前正在位于奥博克的国际移民组织移民应对中心接受医疗护理、饮食、住所和心理支持。地方当局仍在进行搜救行动,希 ...
El hambre aguda alcanza a más de 280 millones de personas en 59 países y territorios en 2023, hilando cinco años de deterioro ...