Morgan Freeman spoke the words, but pretty much everyone who took the stage at the presentation of the AFI Life Achievement ...
The 2024 general election is heating up, with President Biden and former President Trump traveling the country as their ...
Rep. Summer Lee’s primary victory over a more moderate Democrat in Pennsylvania this week offered a jolt of momentum for ...
Nepal hosted an investment summit Sunday in hopes of attracting much-needed foreign investment, especially in developing ...
Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, will move its operations to the city-state’s ...
A senior Qatari official has urged both Israel and Hamas to show “more commitment and more seriousness” in cease-fire ...
Mayor Trent Staggs of Riverton, Utah, was selected Saturday as the state Republican Party’s nominee to replace Mitt Romney in ...
Venice has always been a place of contrasts, of breathtaking beauty and devastating fragility, where history, religion, art ...
Security was tight around a military base in southwestern Cambodia on Sunday, a day after a huge explosion there killed 20 ...
Richelle Dietz, a mother of two and wife of a U.S. Navy officer, often thinks about water. The family, stationed in Honolulu, ...
Police departments across the United States are reporting an increase in their ranks for the first time since the COVID-19 ...