Have you ever gone for a blood test, and when the needle is inserted into your veins to draw out blood, the blood doesn’t flow out smoothly? If that happened, you know you have thick, coagulated blood ...
Next to potassium, magnesium is the second most plentiful positive-charged-ion in the cellular fluid. Magnesium is a key cofactor in more than 300 enzyme-driven biochemical reactions, and a key ...
Cholesterol is a soft waxy non-water soluble substance that our body readily produces sufficiently for the body’s needs. It is a type of fatty (lipid) substance found inside our body tissues and blood ...
The kidneys are major detoxification organs. They are needed for removing wastes from your body. They also help balance body fluids and create urine, along with assisting with other bodily processes.
Many of us can remember being given castor oil as a child, for cold, fever, constipation or deworming. If you did, then you’ll know just how unpleasant it was to have to swallow the oil. Our parents ...
Eye infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergies or any other irritants that invade any part of the eyeball or its surrounding area. People who wear contact lenses are at a higher ...
Nasal congestions brought on by sinusitis can easily be alleviated by drinking targeted fresh juices, and making some diet adjustments. Reduce: Animal meat products. Avoid: Dairy, sugar and flour ...
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a flat tendon stretched on the base of your foot, from your heel to the base of your toes. A few decades ago, plantar fasciitis was ...
Need to have a trimmer tummy? Here’s a quick and healthy trick! This glass of juice will surely help with digestion and encourage a healthy colon and a flatter tummy. Avoid heavy dinner and carbs for ...
Dealing with a sleep disorder is annoying for a number of reasons. Without a good night’s rest, it is hard to get through the day, you may have trouble concentrating, feel irritable and cranky, and ...
I love using pineapple for my green juices. Not only does it give the juice a nice fragrant, tastes thick and delicious, it is high in anti-inflammatory properties that are just so helpful for ...
A healthy mind is a terrible thing to lose, but due to man-made chemicals, the threat of brain function destruction is always present. These are potentially the most offensive perpetrators to the mind ...