Hypertext is one of South Africa’s leading technology news and reviews sites. We publish original content daily for consumers and businesses. All original words & media by Hypertext by htxt ...
With the smartphone industry obsessing over AI, Honor has laid out a four-layer scenario for the larger AI ecosystem.
According to security awareness training provider CyberNut, students are increasingly being targeted by online scammers.
Once all three turbines are functional, this will add 150MW to Joburg’s grid which isn’t all that much in the grand scheme of ...
Eaton has launched a UPS Trade-In campaign that allows businesses to safely dispose of old tech when upgrading to a new unit.
Dead internet, anyone? Every second person that accesses an online site now is not a person, but an automated bot according ...
The Bitcoin halving is happening very soon, but some analysts believe it will be a "price non-event." Here's the latest ...
Cheap, low-effort ransomware know as junk-gun could pose a significant threat to small businesses in particular.
Season 2 of Fallout on Prime has been greenlit by Amazon, and we're Super Duper excited to see what they can cook up next.
Best known for its drones, DJI this week announced its Power product range which is currently comprised of the Power 1000 and ...
Meta AI, similar to ChatGPT, has launched in South Africa, and is now available on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram ...
A toupee is not even the weirdest item that someone lost while on an Uber ride over the past 12 months, according to new ...