Starting this year, June 15 will be set aside as Germany's annual Veterans' Day to commemorate former armed forces personnel.
Italian authorities have introduced a new €5 fee for people wanting to visit Venice. The measure is aimed at curbing peak tourism to the fragile lagoon city and safeguarding spaces for residents. The ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to modernize India and elevate it to a significant geopolitical player, skillfully navigating between various power blocs. What's driving his agenda? Our guests: ...
Ao contrário do que ocorre na síndrome de burnout, ao invés de colapsarem, as pessoas com burnon continuam a correr em suas "rodas de hamster", o que pode causar depressão crônica por exaustão.
Kamfanin TikTok ya yi barazanar kalubalantar dokar da Shugaba Joe Biden na Amirka ya sanya wa hannu da ta bai wa kamfanin ...
Las recientes imágenes de la Agencia Espacial Europea sugieren arácnidos en el planeta rojo. Pero antes de emocionarnos, la ...
A UNITA, o maior partido da oposição em Angola, diz que a lei favorece indivíduos afetos ao regime e aumenta a pobreza das ...
Video-sharing platform TikTok faces a US ban unless it's sold. Meanwhile, the EU has accused the app of posing a mental ...
El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, ha pedido un cambio de paradigma en un discurso sobre la integración europea ...
Незаконні масові арешти цивільних осіб є, вочевидь, "визначальною рисою російської стратегії на тимчасово окупованих ...
Die Nachfolgeorganisation des Britischen Empire hat an Bedeutung verloren. Heute dient es Mitgliedsstaaten als diplomatisches ...
The US has said it secretly delivered long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, which has opened new discussion in Germany over ...