Under Alberta’s newly released roadmap to the creation of a passenger rail master plan, the oft-talk-about and ...
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A major Alberta utility has cancelled a large wind power project in response to new government rules on where such ...
But on the whole, the worst thing about Bill 20 is that while it purports to strengthen local councils, it would in practice ...
Last November, Premier Danielle Smith announced that her government will give up to $1.8 billion in subsidies to Dow ...
By eliminating corporate welfare, the Smith government can create fiscal room to reduce personal and business income taxes, ...
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It’s often referred to as the court of public opinion. It’s also the place where righteous politicians go to spew unsubstantiated opinions of the justice system to pander to the unwashed masses.
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Since taking office in 2015, the Trudeau government has expanded the federal government’s role in making decisions for individuals and families, rather than letting Canadians decide on their own.
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