This continually updated tracker includes information on Michigan political campaigns for president, U.S. Senate, the U.S.
The University of Michigan is expanding its presence in Detroit by building an innovation center The building will bridge ...
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to avoid school funding cuts relies on redirecting contributions to the state’s teacher retirement system.
Avian flu has spread to livestock in at least six Michigan counties. Now, the state is ordering farmers to take more action — ...
The attorney general is investigating both projects, which lawmakers say ‘fell short’ of expectations. Legislators move to ...
Another summer will likely come and go without action from the Michigan Legislature despite pleas from local communities ...
The attorney general is investigating both projects, which lawmakers say ‘fell short’ of expectations. Legislators move to claw back at least $34 million.
A bill in the state Legislature would protect patients who rely on copay assistance by making sure those payments count ...
Local election officials could recount more ballots — but not investigate alleged fraud — in contested races under a new plan from Michigan Democrats.
Former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife pleaded not guilty to the 15 combined charges they face, following ...
Donald Trump rallied with thousands of Michigan supporters — and railed on President Joe Biden — in Saginaw County The former ...
Former President Donald Trump is back in Michigan for a Wednedsay evening rally in Saginaw County. HIs speech is set to start ...