A lawyer has criticised the Malaysian Bar’s decision to file a judicial review challenging the Federal Territories Pardons Board’s (FTPB) decision to commute Najib Razak’s jail sentence and reduce his ...
This fun-filled renovation and extension of a local landmark is perfect for anyone who’s ever dreamed of living in a castle!
It's "sickening" that Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to pardon Jan. 6 offenders, according to a former police officer who ...
The conservative justices can sustain Trump’s immunity argument only by abandoning their principles, former Reagan ...
Amid deepening tensions in the Middle East, Bahraini activists said that the mass pardon, while welcome, was incomplete, and ...
About 100 graduate student workers and faculty are threatening to withhold final grades until NYU agrees to remove New York ...
Pardons matter and can make all the difference for a future, event participants say; for some it is possible; learn how to ...
The Russian army is gradually expanding the role of women as it seeks to balance President Vladimir Putin's promotion of traditional family roles with the need for new ...
Russian military efforts to recruit women from prisons and civilian life have clashed with President Vladimir V. Putin’s ...