"WASP-43b is a reminder of the vast range of climates that are possible on exoplanets and the many ways in which Earth is ...
The beautiful infrared imagery features one of the best known locations in space to study the evolution of stars and ...
Submillimeter wavelength radio observations of the Southern Ring Nebula have identified that it's actually a double ring, ...
The stunning star-forming region is seen in a brand new light in the new images from the powerful space telescope.
A fussy gyroscope won't keep the Hubble Space Telescope down. NASA brought the iconic observatory back online after fixing ...
DALLAS (AP) — NASA’s Webb Space Telescope has revealed the sharpest images yet of a portion of a horse-shaped nebula, showing ...
Captured in infrared light by the James Webb Space Telescope, the star-forming Horsehead Nebula is located 1,300 light-years ...
The James Webb Space Telescope’s latest dispatch blinks in astonishing images from an area known as the Orion B molecular ...
The world’s most powerful space telescope, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, has just released the sharpest infrared images ...
The Webb telescope provided the forecast for WASP-43 b, a "hot Jupiter" type exoplanet about 280 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sextans.
The nebula formed from a collapsing interstellar cloud of material, and glows because it is illuminated by a nearby hot star.
Nasa's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has mapped the weather on WASP-43 b, a gas-giant exoplanet situated 280 light-years ...