THE Wilton Centre on Teesside is the focus of a breakthrough project which would enable one of the world’s most commonly-used plastics to be recycled. The company behind it – Lucite ...
Planet or Plastic? is National Geographic’s multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic trash crisis. Come to this page often to learn more, and find out what you can do to ...
They were washed in with the tide, most likely from China or the US, thousands of miles away -- part of an enormous plastic garbage patch, spinning in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which you ...
Enter the unsung hero of layer cake decorating — a large round piping tip, like the Ateco 809 or Wilton 1A ... to get if you ...
From getting stuck in nets to eating plastic that they think is food, creatures worldwide are dying from material we made. Read this story and more in the June 2018 issue of National Geographic ...
While we can hope that the future of recycling improves, the reality is that the amount of plastic that actually gets recycled right now is just 8.7% of what’s made, according to the ...
Why is plastic pollution a problem? Plastic pollution is the most visible example of the havoc we’re causing to our planet. From our local beaches to the remote Arctic, it is choking our oceans and ...
175 nations agree to develop a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by 2024, prompting a major step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production, use and disposal.
To hit the ball, players use a wood or plastic bat that is no longer than 30 cm and the hitting surface area should not exceed 180 cm. A match must be played with a soft plastic airflow golf ball.
And we want to hear from you. BBC Newsround: Sir David Attenborough is backing a report that demonstrates the huge impact of plastic pollution on developing countries.
I used an electric mixer but you can also use a silicone spatula. The pudding will turn ... pudding two or even three days in advance. Add plastic wrap over the pudding or it can start to develop ...