One of the oldest known meteor showers is streaking through the sky above California. The Lyrid meteor shower was first recorded in 687 B.C. and has been studied for more than 2,000 years ...
Apr. 20—Community members can provide a major boost to local mothers, babies and families by donating to the Women's Enrichment Center's annual Community Baby Shower, said Heather Tate ...
If you're looking for a way to celebrate Earth Day, how about spending the night under the stars for the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on the night of April 21-22? I'm abrosexual - it took me 30 ...
BRICK - David Restiano returned home from physical therapy for an injured hip flexor, hopped in the shower, grabbed the bar of Irish Spring, and began scraping it against his hip, then against his ...
Spring's first major meteor shower, the Lyrids, is peaking this weekend. Popular Ice Cream Brand Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Where is Jennifer Pan from ‘What Jennifer Did’ now? 25 ...
One of the oldest known meteor showers is streaking through the sky above California. The Lyrid meteor shower was first recorded in 687 B.C. and has been studied for more than 2,000 years, according ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- As if skywatchers need another reason to look up after the April 8 solar eclipse, the Lyrid meteor shower is set to put on a show this month with a dazzling array of ...
Annual event promises between five and 20 meteors an hour with a few rare cases becoming much brighter ‘fireballs’ The Lyrids are a meteor shower that derive from the tail of the comet Thatcher.
Only a little over a week after one astronomical marvel caused millions of people to look to the skies in awe, a meteor shower is about to dazzle those viewing the night sky. According to NASA ...
or try to stand in the shower for just a few minutes, even if you don’t wash your body or hair. You can also try breaking the process into smaller steps, Dr. Bigaouette said. Perhaps you first ...