Despite its low price, this thistle feeder from Perky-Pet is the only bird feeder I tested that was crafted completely from metal components. It has mesh sides that attract clinging birds like ...
One man's fight against a squirrel eating from his bird feeder has delighted the internet after he shared his unusual solution to the problem. The British homeowner, who faced an intruder tucking ...
Blame the bird feeders — all three of them (plus a bird bath and a hummingbird feeder, of course). I didn’t mean to become a bird person. I’ve talked to birders before and always regarded ...
Suma Hegde / Getty Images Having a bird feeder in your backyard offers so many benefits—feeders can help birds survive harsh winters and migration while also offering you a way to connect with ...
If you want to attract wildlife to your garden or balcony, a bird feeder is one of the simplest things you can do. Naturally, in the year 2023, technology is on hand to allow you to watch the ...
Blame the bird feeders — all three of them (plus a bird bath and a hummingbird feeder, of course). I didn’t mean to become a bird person. I’ve talked to birders before and always regarded ...
watching feathered visitors chirp away as they eat from a bird feeder. No matter where you live, there are likely a variety of birds that are nearby (yes, even in cities), and you can attract them ...