Carnations may be the official Mother’s Day flower, but many others will also make Mom smile. Here are a few bright ideas.
Jeanne Warner, awarded the awarded the Adirondack Garden Club’s Gretta Prince Memorial GCA Cachepot, is surrounded by previous winners of the award: Club Co-President Jennifer L ...
When to keep and when to remove some of the fastest-growing U.S. weeds. While some weeds are a nuisance, some feed people and ...
Plant beds of perennial flowers for year-long color and fragrance, or use decorative grasses for a more contemporary look. Strategically place shrubs or small trees to provide privacy and shade.
Along the street they added trees and shrubs to complete the barrier. Now they’ve got a comfortable, beautiful, private spot ...
Zappify 2.0 is a portable device that uses powerful 3-Band UV lights to attract Mosquitoes in its inner chamber where they are electrocuted.