Everybody wants birds in their yard, and understory trees are especially attractive to birds. These two trees are sure to ...
The April 21 anniversary event — which coincides with area Earth Day celebrations — will include tree giveaways and free ...
For replacement trees, people who provide a photo to show the invasive pear tree or trees they removed can choose from Alleghany serviceberry, American hornbeam, redbud, Pagoda dogwood ...
Also known as boxwood or cornel, flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is a common ornamental tree found in the United States. Its popularity is due to its large flowers and wide range across climate and ...
READING, Pa. — The inside of Reading's iconic Pagoda has been off limits to the public since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Friday, city officials announced that the building atop Mount ...
The pagoda is also known as the Iron Pagoda in Kaifeng. Actually it is not made of iron, but of red, brown, blue and green glazed bricks. As the main hue is reddish brown, the pagoda looks like ...
You might not be-leaf it, but you can get a free tree next weekend! Starting April 13 through May, the New York Restoration Project—a local non-profit that plants trees, renovates gardens and ...
Monroe County group offers up to 6 native plants to landowners who remove invasive Callery pear, burning bush and Japanese ...
Trees will be given away to the public starting at 3:30 p.m., including serviceberry, arborvitae, eastern redbud, eastern white pine, pagoda dogwood, shagbark hickory, hazelnut and tulip poplar.