which has an ivory-carving tradition going back thousands of years. Nearly 90 percent of all mammoth tusks hauled out of Siberia—estimated at more than 60 tons a year, though the actual figure ...
Surrounded by cocoa trees and intense heat, Christian Andre Yapi is forced to admit that the precious beans are no longer growing as they should, a major problem for the world's leading producer ...
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) — Dame Touré rushed to quickly gather what she could as bulldozers rolled into her neighborhood in Ivory Coast’s fast-growing economic hub of Abidjan. Her three ...
I vanhoe Electric (NYSE:IE) +0.9% in Monday's trading after confirming it has acquired a 60% stake in the Samapleu-Grata ...
Abidjan's soaring Alassane Ouattara bridge lit up at night in the colours of the national flag is Ivory Coast's jewel in ... ratio of debt to GDP was between 60 and 70 percent.
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — Dame Touré rushed to quickly gather what she could as bulldozers rolled into her neighborhood in Ivory Coast's fast-growing economic hub of Abidjan. Her three children ...