To make it easier to make them, I bought these reusable skewers, which over the past four years have become a game-changer for me, though, not necessarily in the way you’d think. While I use ...
The objective is to open it up enough to allow you to get in there to insert your skewer. Metal skewers are ideal if you've ...
These grilled shrimp piccata skewers are the perfect combination of juicy, charred shrimp, bright lemon zest, briny capers, ...
Which brings me to these skewers. Skewered chicken couldn’t be an easier or tastier method to deliver flavor to the meat. Sure, you can slap a thigh or breast on the grill, but if you cut the ...
Skewers are a simple dinner to add to your weeknight dinner rotation. Chicken skewers are packed with protein but low in calories, making it a healthy option during the busy week. They are also ...
Both are beloved staples of Brazilian churrasco (barbecue), but this recipe for grilled skewers with anchovy and garlic butter offers an achievable method for home cooks to explore these versatile ...
In Brazil, this beef cut is called picanha. Here, it’s better known as rump cap, and it’s ideal for these tender skewers, served with a robust salsa and flatbreads filled with molten cheese.
The host also noted that he was asked to "host the show again next year, which I wasn’t planning to do but now I might." It’s been over a month since Jimmy Kimmel poked fun at Donald Trump by ...
"It’s the first day of the first of [Trump’s] 438 trials to come. Pace yourselves." Jon Stewart is calling out U.S. media outlets for their excessive coverage of former president Donald Trump ...
I’ve never encountered a yakitori counter I didn’t like. Beer; skewers of grilled chicken; beer. A perfect formula. In Tokyo, yakitori restaurants can be very serious business. Some counters ...