YOU’VE spent months working hard on your garden – but one day you find your plants all eaten by pesky slugs. This is any avid ...
There are many reasons why geraniums have long been a stalwart of the British garden. Perennially popular due to their ...
SPRING might have sprung but sadly, this doesn’t necessarily guarantee that your garden will be in full bloom. If you want to ...
Slugs can be a huge problem in spring, eating crops and ruining gardens. Here's how to naturally deter them from your garden.
Some soil-challenged folks will do whatever it takes to surround themselves with plants, even if it means laughing in the ...
The second half of April is when gambling gardeners start to fill containers with blooming plants that are a bit cold ...
Get expert advice on improvements to your home, including design tips, how much you'd expect to pay for a pro and what to ask ...
Look for summer flowering perennials such as delphiniums, dahlias and salvias. Some annuals are hardy enough to go directly ...
Get rid of Japanese beetles and curb unsightly plant damage using everything from insecticides, beetle-fighting bacteria or a ...
Selody loves a good road trip, and when he opens the back of the van at his destination — the built-in shelves stuffed with ...
It is still too early for warm-season plants to go outside. It is time, however, to get them ready. Here are some tips.
Kidston, too, has childhood memories of her mother’s geraniums: “She kept several potted plants by the kitchen door, and they would always include her geraniums, so I’d often rub one of the ...