Despite a landscape fabric or a weed membrane being used sometimes weeds still manage to find a way to grow through them, ...
Lucky bamboo is a houseplant that can surprisingly be grown without any soil. Discover how to do this and tips for growing ...
As the cascade of plant sales and other springtime events listed here indicates, the active growing season is fully upon us ...
The wildflower meadow specialists are sponsoring the Bumblebee charity’s exhibit ‘Diversity Is Queen’ at the prestigious show ...
As planting gears up, here's what to know about caring for fruit trees and ornamental plants, too, as well as watering and ...
EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - This weekend, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Gardens is hosting their “Bloomin’ Zoo Plant Sale” and ...
Knocking off a new rose stem: You are trying to cut blind shoots out from the center of the bush and your elbow inadvertently ...