Knowing when and how to divide your plants can lead to a bounty of additional greenery and blooms in your garden. Learn the ...
Perennials that thrive in the shade and bloom all summer long are the ultimate gifts from nature. Here are shade-loving ...
Every garden needs both annuals for instant impact and perennials for color that returns for many years. Because perennials ...
These plants are easy to care for and do well in full sun and partial shade. Although each flower blooms for only one day, ...
They thrive in full sun, bloom in mid to late summer and tolerate ... These easy-to-grow perennials flower in the early summer, and some cultivars continue blooming through early fall.
Companion plants will help your sunflowers grow tall and produce the sunniest yellow blooms. Here are the 10 friendly plants to introduce into your summer sunflower garden.
There are plenty of new plants on the market, but many tried-and-true perennials will help strengthen your garden. Some ...
These drought-tolerant perennials loved their hot ... Plant it in well-draining soil in an area of the garden that gets full sun. I like using lavender as a border plant in my front yard garden.
For full sun care year-round, broad spectrum products shield skin from both UVA and UVB rays. That covers the ageing effects of sun exposure and potentially dangerous sunburn caused by both types ...
Each 8-pound “melon head” wore one sunhat from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. in full-sun ambient temps ranging from 88 to 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Eighty pounds of warm honeydew melon later, there was a ...
Q:  Japanese beetles have been ravaging my yard. I heard Milky Spore can be a natural way to treat them. Is that right? A: ...
Summer-blooming bulbs like dahlias and gladiolus offer dramatic garden impact without high maintenance. Plant after frost, ...