Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man will always be hailed as the movie that laid the groundwork for future comic book movies to come and ...
There are many Spider-Man movie villains, but few stand up to Alfred Molina's Doc Ock, and the actor has opened up on why the ...
It's strange to think that, in one form or another, Marvel fans have been discussing Spider-Man 4 since 2007. There's not ...
With all eight live-action Spider-Man movies coming through theaters, it’s the perfect time for a comparison All eight Spider ...
Though Octavius sacrificed himself to destroy his self-sustaining sun at the end of Spider-Man 2, the multiverse made it so ...
Nostalgia is a powerful drug, and one the comic-book film industrial complex has often been accused of pushing. However, on Marvel's latest, the Disney+ animated series X-Men ’97, the house of ideas ...