Each part of a well-designed landscape has its function. The front yard reflects how you present yourself to friends, neighbors, and passersby. It should guide guests to the entry. It should also ...
making gardening supplies, kits and books the perfect gifts to show Mom a little holiday love. Whether she’s an experienced gardener with an extra-green thumb who produces a prize-worthy bounty ...
Gardener's notebook: Self-seeding plants are the lazy gardener's secret weapon — here's how to get started Gardener's notebook: eating your own tomatoes are one of life's simple pleasures ...
There are plenty of ways to care for indoor plants, but learning how factors such as sunlight, water and soil can influence your houseplants’ health is a game changer. The houseplant you ... humidity ...
Each 12-inch-long by 12-inch-wide panel distributes light across approximately 3 square feet when suspended 18 inches from the top of a seedling tray ... light for an indoor houseplant.
The digging, hoeing, raking, etc. associated with gardening are great forms of exercise while doing something productive. The average gardener burns between 300 and 400 calories per hour while ...
There are 3 basic types: sugar snaps, snow peas and shelling peas. Fresh from the garden, all peas are peerless (though garden asparagus gives them a run for their money).
"There were talks on how not to kill your houseplant ... of take-home ideas. Gardening doesn’t stop outside the M25 Garden designer Jason Williams, AKA the Cloud Gardener, lives on the 18th ...