JB Hamby is California’s lead negotiator in the historic negotiation over one of the state’s most vital sources of water.
If federal officials can't repair the tubes, MacEachern said his agency expected Reclamation to not place the burden of more ...
Water and environment experts aim to make sure endangered fish, Grand Canyon ecosystems and more aren’t left out of the ...
Federal officials recently reported damage to four tubes known as “river outlet works” at Glen Canyon Dam on the Utah-Arizona ...
If federal officials can’t repair the tubes, MacEachern said his agency expected Reclamation to not place the burden of more ...
Lake Mead and Lake Powell, which store water and are used for recreation and power generation, serve as barometers of the ...
Environmental organizations have influenced Colorado River management in the past. In 2007, they suggested that states take on voluntary water cuts for conservation purposes. That plan was ...
If the water level in Lake Powell falls too low, the dam may not be able to release water to downstream users.
MacEachern said his agency expected Reclamation to not place the burden of more water cuts solely on Arizona, California and Nevada, which make up the river's so-called Lower Basin. Colorado, New ...